Helium On Earth

Space Force, the latest show on Netflix from Office co-creator Gregg Daniels, appears to be a popular -- if not critical -- hit. As of June 3, 2020, using Netflix's own proclamations, the show is Number #1 on the streaming service:

  1. Who Discovered Helium On Earth
  2. Where Does Helium
  3. Percent Abundance Of Helium On Earth
  4. Helium On Earth

Creationists have used the argument that the amount of helium in the earth’s atmosphere indicates a young earth. It was first brought to the public’s attention by Nobel Prize nominee Melvin A. Cook in 1957, when an article was printed in Nature.1 The rate at which helium is entering the atmosphere from radioactive decay is known fairly well; as is the rate at which helium is. May 03, 2018 Helium is made either by the nuclear fusion process in the Sun or by the slow and steady radioactive decay of terrestrial rock, which accounts for all of the Earth’s store of the gas.

The show brings up some fascinating science regarding the Moon. Near the end of its first season, which stars Steve Carrell and John Malkovitch, the titular Space Force finds itself in a race with China to find a substance known as helium-3. While much of Space Force is divorced from reality, helium-3 is very real.

Helium On Earth

What is helium-3?

Starting with the high school basics: helium is the second most abundant element in the universe. It’s colorless, tasteless and odorless. Around 24 percent of the universe is helium. The most common type of helium is known as helium-4, due to its having two neutrons and two protons.

Helium-4 is pretty much humanity’s experience with the element, considering that 99.99986 percent of all helium on Earth is like this. But in 1934, experimenting with that’s known as heavy hydrogen, the Australian scientist Mark Oliphant hypothesized that what many had thought was a radioactive isotope would in fact be found in natural helium. Oliphant was proposing that a stable isotope of helium, with two protons but only one neuton, existed. In 1939, American physicists Luis Alvarez and Robert Cornog confirmed his suspicions with the definitive discovery of 1939.

Helium-3 is primordial, dating back to a planetary body’s earliest days. On Earth, it formed in the mantle of the planet, above the core and below the crust. While it can be made artificially, it’s an incredibly rare substance on Earth: a report from 2011 showed that, in total, .01 metric tons of helium 3 exist on Earth, and it only comprises .0001 percent of the American government’s helium reserve.

It’s possible to make helium-3 artificially — it occurs whenever a nuclear weapon is dismantled, for example. But the United States stopped making it back in 1988.

Why is helium-3 important?

Who Discovered Helium On Earth

Helium-3 has rare and valuable properties, like the ability to reduce temperatures to near absolute zero. That could be tremendously useful in cryogenics, and even offer a non-radioactive alternative to medical imaging. It could also be used to detect nuclear weapons.

But the use most sought-after is energy. Helium-3 could produce what is known as nuclear fusion, which is different than the nuclear fission we commonly see with nuclear reactors today. As Christopher Barnatt explains on his site Explaining The Future, 'nuclear fusion effectively makes use of the same energy source that fuels the Sun and other stars, and does not produce the radioactivity and nuclear waste that is the by-product of current nuclear fission power generation.'

However, nuclear fusion is complex: it's a challenge to capture what are known as 'fast' neutrons that are released during the process, creating energy waste. Helium-3 solves this problem with its name: it only has one neutron, and there's nothing fast about it. It could be a perfect fuel.

Does helium-3 exist on the Moon?

In Space Force, scientists note that helium-3 is abundant on the Moon. They’re right. In 1986, scientists estimated that there are one million tons of helium-3 to be found in the lunar soil, which is called regolith.

Why hasn’t anyone brought it back yet?

First of all, going to the Moon is hard. Going there with people is even harder — only 12 people have ever stepped foot on its surface, all part of NASA’s Apollo missions. But scientists knew about helium-3 back then, so why wasn’t America swimming in the stuff after those missions?

There’s the hard matter of actually mining it and bringing it back, for one thing. As OpenMind notes, “the Moon has accumulated an incredible amount of this material in its surface layer, although at such a low concentration that it would be necessary to process enormous quantities of regolith to harvest it by heating it at 600 °C (1,112 F).”

An academic paper from 2014 presented at the 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Moscow, titled “Feasibility of lunar Helium-3 mining,' explored the many difficulties.

“The required heating power, if mining both day and night, would add up to 39 GW. The resulting power system mass for the lunar operations would be in the order of 60,000 to 200,000 tons. A fleet of three lunar ascent/descent vehicles and 22 continuous-thrust vehicles for orbit transfer would be required. The costs of the mission elements have been spread out over expected lifetimes,” the paper’s abstract notes.

The scientists concede that “technically, the mission is extremely challenging and complex.” However, they say, “most required technologies exist or could be developed within a reasonable time span.”


Where Does Helium

Who is mining helium-3 in the real world?

In Space Force, American scientists suspect that the Chinese government is mining helium-3, although this suspicion is never confirmed. Does this plot point have real-world truth behind it? Yes, but it might be outdated.

Articles published in 2016 from PBS and Space Safety Magazineboth note that China is exploring helium-3. Space Safety quotes Professor Ouyang Ziyuan, the chief scientist of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP), saying that helium-3 could “solve humanity’s energy demand for around 10,000 years at least.”

But since then, officials from the Communist Party have mostly remained quiet about the task, perhaps realizing its difficulty.

Percent Abundance Of Helium On Earth

Some countries think it’s a pipe dream. Alexander Bloshenko, executive director for research programs and science at Russia’s corporation Roscosmos, said in 2019 that “for the time being this possibility looks nothing more than science fiction.”

Right now, the biggest player in helium-3 looks to be India. So far India has sent two non-manned lunar exploration missions into space, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2. While Chandrayaan-2 crashed on landing, both missions were meant to explore the possibilities of helium-3.

K Sivan, chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), said in 2018 that “the countries which have the capacity to bring that source from the moon to Earth will dictate the process. I don’t want to be just a part of them, I want to lead them.’’

While the ISRO’s space program does appear in Space Force, there’s no mention of the country’s helium-3 ambitions. Maybe next season.

Helium is one of the most common elements in the universe. It is called a noble gas because it doesn’t chemically interact with elements. Its atomic number is 2 and the weight is 4.002. In its natural state, it doesn’t have any smell, taste or color.

Common Uses of Helium

Evidence shows that the human voice can be changed with a bit of helium. The gas is also used as light weight aircraft fuel. The element is usually combined with hydrogen in air balloons. Hydrogen alone is fine, but helium makes the balloon safer to use. The same gas is used by caisson workers too. Divers use oxygen and helium during their dives. The combination provides them with the atmosphere necessary to survive in high pressure environments.

Helium On Earth

Medical Applications

How much helium on earth

Helium can also be used for breathing observation. It is essential in treating ailments asthma, emphysema and other conditions that affect breathing. The gas is usually used to treat diseases that affect the lungs. Hospital MRI scans relies on liquefied helium. When the element is set at -269 C (the low boiling point), it becomes usable in MRI magnet cooling down.

Acute and chronic forms of respiratory ailment treatments have helium components. In almost all cases, oxygen and helium are used together. This combination gets to the lungs much quicker. Helium in different forms and combinations are used in medical instrumentations and nuclear medicine.

Welding and Magnet Production

Helium is used to cool down superconduction magnets. This is required during their operation. Welding companies also rely on it to provide protection. It is used the same way in the development of titanium, zirconium, germanium and silicon.

Other Applications

Hydrogen and oxygen are often used as rocket fuel. Helium-neon lasers use the element extensively. These instruments are used for barcode reading. The same element is needed to monitor small fractures in ships and other vehicles.

Helium dating is relied on to date rocks that contain uranium and titanium. The gas is used for protection during germanium crystal and silicon production. It is valued as a protective gas because of its inert nature.

Helium’s properties also make it ideal for observation in quantum mechanics. Its structure is basic and easy to study. Numerous mathematical processes are used to assess subatomic particle behavior. Using these techniques, neutrons, electrons and protons can be studied. However, these tests cannot determine their actions 100% accurately. This is due to the nature of quantum mechanics.

Uses of Helium in Space Technology

NASA space programs use the gas to fuel their shuttles. Liquid fuels are volatile. They are packed with corrosive material that could destroy a spacecraft’s casing. To avoid this problem, a craft is filled with helium gas. The same process is used in blimps and air balloons. It is preferred to hydrogen for two reasons. It is lighter and not flammable. The element is also used to keep nuclear reactors cool.

Occurrence and Discovery

Helium can be found all over the universe, although it isn’t widely distributed on Earth. Its most frequent form is gas. It shares many characteristics with other noble gases. Helium doesn’t form compounds easily with other elements. It is also very stable. But as the facts earlier show, the element is very usable. Its symbol in the periodic table is He. Its stability and non-reactive nature makes it the perfect tool for handling unstable materials. The element was discovered in 1868 during a solar eclipse. It took scientists 30 years to extract and isolate the gas from the clevite mineral.

The gas is not prevalent on Earth. It is usually extracted from natural gas. The typical amount found ranges from 2 to 7%. It didn’t take long for governments to realize its usefulness in military operations. Access to it was restricted during the two World Wars. In its purest form, the element doesn’t pose any health risks.

However, inhaling excessive amounts has its risks. The danger is the gas functions as an asphyxiate. Inhaling helium from pressure tanks can damage the lungs. The variants found in weather balloons may have other elements that are unhealthy to breathe.


Its atomic number indicates there are two electrons and two protons in a neutral helium atom. Its most vital properties are density, melting and boiling points, state of matter and atomic mass. The density is 101.325 kilopascals (kPa) and 0.1786 grams per liter at 32°F (0.0°C). Its atomic mass is 4.0026 grams per mole.

Solid and liquid helium can only manifest in high and low temperature settings. Either condition cannot manifest under normal pressures. -458 F (0.95 Kelvin) is the melting point. The boiling point is -452°F (4.22 Kelvin).

One of the more interesting uses of helium is in cryogenics. This field is concerned with low temperature phenomena and its production. Most of the helium produced today is used for cryogenics.